Sunday, March 16, 2008


John 23:12-13 "The crowd that had come for the Feast heard that Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet Him shouting, 'Hosanna!' 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord' 'Blessed is the King of Israel."

Tell me the stories of Jesus, I love to hear;
Things I would ask Him to tell me, if He were here
Scenes by the way-side, tales of the seas
Stories of Jesus, tell them to me.

Into the city I'd follow, there take my stand,
Waving a branch of the palm tree high in my hand
One of His heralds, Yes, I would sing
Loudest hosannas, "Jesus is King."
(W.H. Parker)

I stood on the streets of Jerusalem that Sunday, waving palm branches and shouting Hosanna, "Save us, Save us!" "Freedom, Freedom!" Our king, our Messiah--the Promised One is coming--the one who can free us from these hated Romans is here!! Hosanna!!
I had heard about Him. I had heard that He could heal the sick, that He could feed thousands with very little food. Everyone was talking about His miracles. Some said that He could raise the dead. Oh! The Wonder! And here He is--we can now see Him.
The crowds are all wild with excitement. People put their coats on the ground for Him, but, He doesn't seem to notice. He seems....sad.
He enters the city and comes straight to me. I am in awe--of all the people there, He came to me. He just stands there looking at me. He doesn't say a word. Then He turned around and left me. Why??
Because He was looking at the REAL me. I was caught up with the excitement of the crowd--shouting praises that were selfish. I was thinking about myself--what He was going to do for me.
Those songs of praise were not for Him. I wasn't worshipping Him, and He knew it. So, he Just stood there looking at me, and I was exposed for what I had done. And He left me without saying a word. I am so ashamed. I will never forget how he looked at me--those eyes.
Jesus, please forgive me. Yes, I thought you came to free us from the Romans. I didn't realize you came to free us from sin--from myself. Please come back. Please cleanse me.

The crowds waved palm branches and shouted "Hosanna" that day, and before the week was over, crowds would be yelling, "Crucify Him". They wanted Jesus to be their King and free them from Roman Oppression. But that wasn't His mission. He came to free them, not from the Romans, but from the bondage of their sins. Because He didn't meet their demands and fulfill their desires and dreams, they crucified Him.


1. Have I allowed Jesus to free me from sin, and is he my King of Kings?

2. Do I worship and sing praises to Jesus on Sunday, and betray Him the rest of the week?

3. Is my worship as fickle as the crowd's on the streets of Jerusalem?

4. Are my interests so selfish that I am blind to the interests of God?

5. Do I understand the mission of Jesus and my part in that mission?

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