Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Father's Love Letter


This a website I go to each year around Valentines Day:

Be blessed as you celebrate those you love today, -mr

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Psalm 127:3

I have struggled today with our text, "Children are a gift from the Lord"

I certainly can agree with the Psalmist. God gave us two beautiful daughters, and I have loved every moment of their lives--well there were a few days in those teen age years!!! God has indeed been good to me, and I am grateful.

Then I read Beth's blog and her tribute to her younger daughter who is to be married soon. It brought tears remembering when my girls got married. I tell you, a small part of me died then. I have two of the best sons-in-law anyone could possibly wish for. And if I started talking about my three grandchildren, well, I tend to get a little bit crazy there!!! I truly can say, my children are a gift from the Lord, one I certainly did not deserve. I am grateful.

Then I read Week 4 Day 1 and was reminded that so many desired to have children and have not yet been able to do so. Such is my sister, but she is the best "other" my grands could ever want. I know that she would tell you that children are indeed a gift from the Lord. And I am grateful for her.

Then I read Boo Mama and saw the faces of those children in Uganda. They are some mother's children, some aunt's niece or nephew, some grandmother's grand. And even in their horribly poverty stricken condition, they are a gift from the Lord.

And they might also need to be somebody's "other". jl