Saturday, January 26, 2008

Why Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

How can our prayers help?

Here are some good reasons.
1st, speaking of the Jewish people the Lord said, "Whoever touches you touches the apple of my eye (Zech. 2:9)" and "whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me (Matt 25:40)." I know it breaks His heart to see the way His City has been defiled by hate and bloodshed. As Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision has said,
"Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God." It's good for us to be on the Lord's side.

2nd, He has commanded it and rewards us for obedience. All of Psalm 122 speaks of the special nature of Jerusalem; the one place on Earth God specifically chose for His dwelling and vs. 6 promises prosperity to those who pray for its peace.

And 3rd, when you pray for the peace of Jerusalem, you're praying for the Messiah to come and establish His Kingdom. Maybe that's the best reason of all.
You can almost hear the Footsteps of the Messiah.

From an article by Jack Kelley from

Friday, January 25, 2008

Who is YOUR Keeper?

I think the most profound statement Beth has made in our study this week is in Day 3, The Lord Our Keeper. She
makes this statement, "God is caretaker of you and me. He tends to us. Watches over us. He has never entrusted that job to anyone else. At no time does God abdicate your guardianship to an angel alone, regardless of how mighty."

Isn't this where so many of us as women mess up our lives? Don't we give the position that was intended for God alone to someone else. Maybe our husbands or fathers. Depending on where we are in the season of our lives, maybe we depend on our children to do for us only what God can do. Then when that person, being the human being that they are, fails to live up to our expectations, we are devastated.

How does it make you feel knowing that Your Keeper and Protector will always be faithful, will never disappoint you, will always love you, provide for you, keep you from harm, and loves you above all else? - jl

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Winter Morning


Hope you have had a great day with the Lord. I visited my daughter Beth and grandchildren in Southaven. I always enjoy the trip up there and back because it gives me some quiet time, which I rarely have any more.

With my thoughts on Day 3, The Lord Our Keeper (who is also the Great Creator), I had a wonderful time just looking at God's creation as I was coming back this morning. The sun was shining brightly; then a huge cloud began to cover it causing rays to spread over the eastern sky. It was just beautiful. "The Heavens declare the glory of God". Psalm 19:1

I was also reminded of something Ruth Bell Graham said about the trees in winter. She said without their leaves, they look like they have their arms lifted up to their Creator in prayer.

What a picture for us on our journey. In the midst of the winter of our souls, we are to strip ourselves of anything that hinders us from reaching our destination. Then we are to lift our hearts to our Heavenly Father who hears us when we cry out to Him.

When we do this, He reveals His Glory. The picture I saw this cold winter morning was My Father, spreading his arms around His creation, and Me.

- jl

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Week 1 Day 2

Have you been facedown today, as Beth asked us?
The past 2 days have already spoken to me, what about you?
Being facedown will result in change and answered prayer....
as we learn to open our hearts and honestly cry out.
Let's be sure to give Him the praise when we have answered prayer.

- mr