Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Week Two--Day Two
Psalm 123

I hope you have had a good day with the LORD. What a lesson Day Two has been. As promised, I am sending the outlines from Warren Wiersbe's BIBLE EXPOSITION COMMENTARY.

It has been said that the first of the three Psalms of Ascent are preparation for the journey, and the next three are problems along the way. I mentioned in our last session that when we desire to seek God, Satan will use anything to try to cause us to stumble. I think these next Psalms prove that statement to be true.

Wiersbe asks that when we find ourselves among the slandered, ridiculed, and persecuted, where do we turn for help?

We Look by Faith to God's Throne (v.1)
With our eyes of faith we see Him as we believe His Word

We Look by Faith to God's Hand (v.2)
In eastern countries, masters often commanded their servants by means of hand signals, so the servants kept their hand on the master's hand. This is what gave them direction for their work. But the master's hand was also their source of provision. Finally, the master's hand protected them in times of danger. So it is with God's people today, our direction, provision, and protection all come our Master's hand, and His hand never fails.

We Look for God's Mercy and Grace (v.3-4)
We are not only subjects of the King (v.1) and servants of the Master (vv.2-3), we are also children of a gracious Father who hears the cries of His children and comes to their aid. He has grace and mercy for each situation.

I hope these outlines and comments help you as you dig deeper into God's Word.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a STRONG word. "He is enthroned over everything that troubles you. He is worthy of our fixed attention. Everything else will downsize into its proper place when we look to God alone." That will preach Sisters. I really needed to be reminded of that!! Emma Kate