Monday, March 3, 2008

I Lifted Up My Eyes

Yesterday, Suzi Morgan shared this poem that she wrote several years ago while studying "Believing God". Since that time, she has had to walk the road of cancer. But her testimony of the Peace of God is an encouragement to all. I asked her to share this poem with us, as it says exactly what we have learned in our journey of ascents.

I lifted up my eyes and what did I see.

Truth and beauty looking back at me.

From high in the heavens a great sound came;

"My child, it is me, I do know your name.

Do you not see or understand that all of this is in my plan,

That you're not alone; we walk hand in hand.

Come rest in my arms, I have just the place;

Let me be your guide 'til the day when we're face to face.

As the days grow long and you're feeling weak,

Yes, sometimes your way may even seem bleak.

Take heart my sweet child; you shall soar on high,

Just remember, take one day at a time, and then you too shall fly."

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