Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Husbands from Mars

I know the blog has been full of serious stuff, like outlines, testimonies, etc. I felt like it was time for some humor, and I am proud to say that my husband has made a contribution. Occasionally, he makes a statement that needs to be carved in marble. Today he out did himself.

You all know how men are when it comes to shopping. Case in point, have you been in the mall on Christmas Eve, or at Wal-Mart on Valentines Day? They tend to prove that men really are from Mars on those special days. Well, believe me, it is worse when they come in the shoe store with their kids without Mom. It can be a horrifying experience for the employees. That was the case today, twice, and Tommy was the victim.

He came to me and said, "I hate dealing with stupid husbands!" Not men or dads--husbands. I responded with, "Well, welcome to MY world".

He did not appreciate that.

Psalm 133 (JLT)
How wonderful it is, how pleasant, when husbands and wives work together in harmony.

That would be the Jennie Lee translation.

Have a blessed day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i just bet (if i were a betting women) you would care to be given a response like maybe= AMEN!!!!