A Few Thousand Eggs... A Few Hundreds Kids... One Life Changing Story... and a Whole Lot of Fun!
It's the greatest story ever told and we're sharing it in a special way on a special day. On Saturday, March 15th we will roll out several thousand eggs for the kids of Trace Crossing and Ida Street to find together. And after the eggs have all been found, we're going to sit down and talk about the one thing in life we are all looking for - a new life, a new chance, a new hope. So come watch a few hundred kids search for a few thousand eggs. Then sit back and listen to the greatest story ever told... and find what you've been looking for.
Have Questions?
Email us (vanessa@tracecrossing.org) or call our church office (662.791.7858)
for more information.
I hope, Tricia, you will write or comment on the Easter Outreach. It was the sweetest thing to see the children
sitting together waiting for the music, games and story of Jesus before they got to pick up the eggs.
So thankful that the weather turned out good.
Wow what a GREAT day in Jesus we had at the outreach and then today at church!!! My heart is still so full and the joy I feel is still flooding me!!!! When I saw all those little kids from Ida st. come in with their Momma's this morning at church I was so overwhelmed once again!! I just cried in my seat, and thanked my FATHER FOR A CHANCE TO SHOW HIS AMAZING LOVE!!! I told Shane my wonderful hubby tonight, that I still feel so full and blessed in my Spirit tonight after such an amazing weekend.
We started off Sat. with the kids all sitting on the tarps and singing and clapping! Then precious Crystal shared a few minutes of her story and the presence of God filled the air!!! I looked around as she spoke and you could of heard a pin drop as every EYE young and old ENGAGED on her every word. God so used that more than I ever dreamed. WOW!!! She has a platform in ministry I feel one day. She is getting there and God is going to use her greatly. WOW.
Then we had the funnest little games, and then our Kevin shared. It was so great. THose little kids sat so well on the tarps and acted like they were loving it!!! :) Then Shane had the different age groups head to their Easter Eggs and find as many as they could. After we gave away some grand prizes it was all over. It was BEAUTIFUL!!! The children were so grateful and the parents of those kids were blown away! They keep thanking us for loving on their kids. If they only knew it was more of a blessing to us than to them. I could of given ALL those kids the world. I LOVED seeing our kids from church sitting on the tarps WITH the kids from those neighborhoods. Trace Crossing is such a fantastic place to worship because it opens it's arms, and doors to ALL!! We preach the TRUTH but we also show His love. We have so much work to do for Him, but it felt so good this weekend to be a part of this faith family and attempt to be His arms extended. I told my Shane I could really see ministry teams going out there on a consistent bases in the future. I also just have to say, that it felt so good to turn around and start a new children's unit at church this morning and feel His presence again. The kids engaged this morning as we studied the first 7 days of creation and learn about our amazing creator. I am so humbled by His outpouring this weekend, It was an honor to serve HIm and I am hungry to do so much more. He is so endlessly GOOD to me and I just love to SERVE HIM. I just want to thank Traci Wood for ALL she did for this outreach. She served so hard and long behind the scenes. She is such a servant who CONSTANTLY gives!!! I just love her! I loved being in our life group tonight and hearing other ideas so many people had for more outreach. I would love to stand behind anyone else and serve with them. God has gifted this church with great vision and people to carry that out.
I love you all!! Thank you all for helping!! IT was a great team effort, and as we all reflect on our GREAT and MIGHTY Father in His Son's honor this week of Easter, I am overwhelmed by all HE unconditionally does for us all. :) GLORY!!!!
Much love!!! Tricia Robbins
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