Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Officially Begun

We have now officially kicked off our study of Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman. The Wednesday morning group met today with with approximately 25 and Monday night we had somewhere around 16. Wow, over 40 women studying a book of the Bible together at The Church at Trace Crossing. That is exciting!

Those of you who missed the Introductory Session. It is not too late - join us.
Just so you know if you miss a session Lifeway has provided a site where you can get individual sessions of Beth's teaching:
You can download individual videos $4.99
individual audios - $3.99
This may be the first time in a Beth Moore study that this has been offered. It is a great way to have a video/audio of a particular teaching that you might have missed or one that really meant a great deal to you.

It is time to comment or send Jennie or me a question/writing to post. Thank you Melissa for replying today! What a great way to connect and encourage each other during the week.

To wake you up - here is a question from the Introductory Session:
What is the name of the Jewish feast that when celebrated the entire book of Esther is read?
The first one of you to reply/comment wins a prize from the Corner She Store!
(Take a deep breath, Jennie, I am just kidding...really, y'all, I am kidding -
Did you just hear Jennie scream "WHAT? I DID NOT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT DONATING A PRIZE!" Giggle, I heard her.)

While you are replying you can listen/watch a video from the '70's...
(Some of us can sing along with this...)


Anonymous said...

With "friends" like Marilyn it is tough being a woman!!!!!!!!!

Melissa said...

Purim! :) That video is great!

marilyn said...

Yeah, Melissa! Correct - PURIM.
Thanks for responding -
You will get a "Prize"!

I am sure you weren't born when
I AM WOMAN by Helen Reddy
was a hit.

Melissa said...

Yes, yes, I'll be looking for a prize! Just kidding ;) And no, I think I am Woman was a bit before my time!