Friday, March 7, 2008


I have been in a quandary today. I had intended to take down my Christmas Village, but this winter weather has me back in the Christmas spirit. I just took down the rest of my decorations last week, but just couldn't yet part with the village. (I love Christmas and always hate for it to end. Yes, I know that it was over two months ago.)

But, Easter is only three weeks away, and I haven't even started decorating for it. I have these beautiful eggs that I put on my dining room table. And if I don't get them out soon, I will not be able to enjoy them. I personally don't like Easter coming this early, but nobody asked me!!!

So, do I celebrate Christmas and winter, or Easter and spring???

I looked out at my patio where I sat yesterday enjoying the spring weather and the Forsythia and Hawthorn in full bloom. There lay a sprig of mistletoe that had blown down from the tree overhead.

Definite sign, celebrate Christmas!!

But then my husband came in and to settle the issue for me. He was carrying a large bouquet of spring flowers for me. Absolutely gorgeous. Is he in the habit of doing this??? Definitely not!!!!

You see, today is our anniversary, and he remembered. Now that is something to celebrate!!! That either one of us can remember anything is something to celebrate!!!

So, I kept up the Christmas village to remember that LOVE came down at Christmas, I put the arrangement of eggs to remember that LOVE hung on the cross for me, and I look at my flowers and remember that LOVE has kept two cranky old people together for 37 years. - jl

"This is the day the LORD has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it"


marilyn said...

Well, well, Congratulations!
Tommy and Jennie,
God bless you both real good! - mr

Anonymous said...

that was the sweetest thing i have heard in a long time! thank you for sharing.

Beverly Wooley said...

Marilyn - THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing this wonderful blog with an "outsider." What a wonderful added bonus to studying together.

Jennie - reading your posts and comments sure has made me miss you sister! I've been working through Reliving the Passion (which I bought on your recommendation YEARS ago) for lent. It's sparked some good conversations with the Lord.

The closeness you girls express and your love for Trace Crossing sure reminds me of the way it felt at First Evan when I first went there in its infancy. It can be tough starting a new church but the bond between members striving for a common goal in the power of the totally UNCOMMON Spirit of God is irreplacable.

Love and blessings,
Beverly Wooley

Anonymous said...

When I received this e-mail from you the other day, it once again made me laugh, as most of your e-mails do. Making it 37 yrs. these days is HUGE! I can only hope we'll make it that far. A little scared because the crankiness has already set in after 10 years!:) God bless you both! Tami