Today is February 7, 2008 on the Gregorian calendar which we use. But it is Adar Rishon 5768 on the Jewish Calendar. The Jews operate on a lunar calendar and count time from creation, whereas we count from the death of Jesus. But what is interesting, with the lunar calendar, there has to be an extra month added occasionally so that Passover can be observed at it's proper time. Adar Rishon is that month. It only occurs seven out of nineteen years, and today begins that month. Remember that I told you that when God told Moses to celebrate Passover, He told them that this was to be the first month of their year. (Exodus 12:1)
For what reasons do we invoke the thirteenth month? Today it is for the purpose of ensuring that the Passover commemoration of our miraculous emergence from Egypt is observed in its appointed season: the time of Aviv (ibid 13:4), when the flax and barley are ripening (ibid 9:31), after the vernal equinox. During the days of the Holy Temple the Sanhedrin could declare an Adar Rishon when it was clear that the winter rains had caused damage to the roads and bridges, or erased traces of burial sites. In order to ensure that every Jew could complete his pilgrimage to the Holy Temple and participate in the Passover offering, the extra month was declared, granting extra time for the roads and bridges to be repaired and the graveyards to be clearly marked so that travelers would not inadvertently tread over them. To repair the broken paths and bridges that separate us from G-d - this is the proper way to spend this timeless month of Adar Rishon! To use this time to reflect on those who came before us, and to honor them as we mark our own path to the Holy One, Blessed be He - this is a fitting way to engage in G-d's creation and to bring it to a purposeful conclusion!
Time created, whether by G-d, or by man, as in the case of Adar Rishon, is much too precious to squander.
Isn't that what Lent is, a time to repair the broken paths and bridges that separate us from God? On our journey to Jerusalem, I hope we have seen that there are indeed things in our lives that need mending. So as the Christian world is fasting and praying as we draw near to God, and Jewish world is spending time doing the same, wouldn't it be something if we just do it together! If we allowed that "wall of separation" to really be torn down and never be rebuilt. If we allow God to repair the broken paths and bridges that separate us from Him, and tear down the walls that separate us from His people, wouldn't worship be unbelievable.
Talk about release from bondage!! It might even make the exodus from Egypt pale in comparison. Why not just let is start with us. -jl
1 comment:
With so many repairs necessary in my own life - I am made to wonder if one mere month added would be enough to repair all those bridges and roads. I know on my own it would not, but only thru the grace of God can it be repaired. What we do have to realize is we must first admit we are broken before God can begin His work in us. That is the part that our flesh finds so difficult to do. We want to think we can do it ourselves and we only make it worse. The past six months have included alot of tearing down and rebuilding in my walk with God. I am grateful to have found a group of ladies who have the same desparate desire to walk with and please God. I thank God so much for this church and this group of people. linda
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