Friday, January 25, 2008

Who is YOUR Keeper?

I think the most profound statement Beth has made in our study this week is in Day 3, The Lord Our Keeper. She
makes this statement, "God is caretaker of you and me. He tends to us. Watches over us. He has never entrusted that job to anyone else. At no time does God abdicate your guardianship to an angel alone, regardless of how mighty."

Isn't this where so many of us as women mess up our lives? Don't we give the position that was intended for God alone to someone else. Maybe our husbands or fathers. Depending on where we are in the season of our lives, maybe we depend on our children to do for us only what God can do. Then when that person, being the human being that they are, fails to live up to our expectations, we are devastated.

How does it make you feel knowing that Your Keeper and Protector will always be faithful, will never disappoint you, will always love you, provide for you, keep you from harm, and loves you above all else? - jl


Anonymous said...

My head and heart know that my Keeper and Protector will always be faithful. And, just this morning in recounting my past deliverance to someone, I was reminded of His powerful care and His pulling me out of that Pit. I was moved to overflowing facedown gratitude.

Yet, my heart aches for those of recent days that have been thrown into sudden grief - such deep grief due to tragic deaths or losses. These can easily open the door to doubt. Making even the strong in faith doubt that He is our constant Keeper. Does anyone else know what I am saying?...
Shouldn't we be crying out for these folks so they when they doubt, and they will, we can be ready reminders that YES, He is our faithful and true Heavenly Father?
Whew, sorry, I can get all worked up typing :> - marilyn
(JL, you did want a short comment, didn't you?)

Anonymous said...

This lesson really spoke to me. As many of you know, I am facing back surgery and have been in pain for several months. However, these are the things I know:

1. Jesus is MY keeper through this time in my life.
2. Through trials, I will become strong.
3. God does not cause ill health but He will teach/show me something through my trials.
4. I and my family will be protected!

I am so excited about what God is doing and will do in my life. I have made a promise to the Lord that I will pray- face down, on the floor- each day throughout this study. It takes a while to get there (and even longer to get up!) but I know He will honor my willingness to pray and listen for His voice.

So . . . if you call my house and no one answers, I am probably still on the floor being licked by the dog and trying to get up! Just leave a message!:)
